Create A Online Business

Create a online business
I have a question that I would love to ask! If I was to whisper in your ear that a friend of yours had won the lottery, how would you feel? I would feel happy for them, but some people would be envious. Now, I would feel the same if you were to create a online business and it started churning out thousands of pounds each month.
I would be very happy to congratulate you on your good fortune. Simply because it’s something you created, it wasn’t given to you, you had to work for it and success favors the brave!
That’s just how I am, I love to see people doing well, especially if they have worked hard to achieve it! We all have it in us to become successful, it just depends on if we really want it. My next question is, do you want it? And how hard are you prepared to work to achieve it!
Create a online business.
Just in case you didn’t know the internet never sleeps! It is always supplying information and guidance, it’s being surfed 24/7 – 365. It’s a place of business for thousands of companies and entrepreneurs. Everyone who has decided to create a online business, did so not on a whim but after a dream, which compelled them to start a online business. This resulted in a thriving online business, which is open to trade to people all over the world 24/7 – 365.
I’m very happy for anyone who has manged to achieve a successful online business. In fact I’m happy for anyone who has created a successful business full stop! Because I know it’s not an easy accomplishment but it can be accomplished! The secret to creating a successful online business, rests on who you know and not what you know! I bet you didn’t know that?
The beginning of success!

If you’ve got a business idea and you’re trying to workout how to make that idea come to life who would you ask? Well you could ask your mum or dad or even your uncle. But they would only really be able to help you if they’ve achieved, what you are looking to do!
Which is create a online business. I would advise you to ask and then work with people who have already done it and are helping others to build a online business every day.
How to build a free business website.
The internet is a great place for business and the opportunities are endless, but only if know what and where they are. I have compiled a list of where you can created a online business website for free:
- Mozello. Com.
- Ucraft. Com.
- Webstarts. Com.
- Wealthy Affiliate.
- WordPress.Com.
- Mobirise.Com.
- Adobe spark. Com.
- Ooowebhost. Com.
Mozello. Com – A multilingual website to trade with the world.
Building the ideal online business website is easy if you know how. But even if you know what you want to build, who you want to sell to and what you want to sell, you still need a platform to display your products. Mozella will allow you to build a website that has multilingual ability for free, give you a free store, a blog and 500mb of space, which is enough to give you a good start. Unfortunately their downside is that it is rather limited, in comparison with other website builders.
Ucraft. Com – Free transfers available.
Ucraft offers a website with multilingual ability, SSL and you can transfer another domain to this platform for free. I have found a number of website builders now offer this service but not many for free. As you can see from the ones I have reviewed so far, can get a lot for free but you’ll get a lot more if you’re willing to pay. Ucraft also offer a cheap payment plan for $10 per month. I found this platform not so easy to work with, which is very important when you’re new to building a website.
Webstarts. Com – Opportunity knocks.
I would like you to read carefully what each website builder has to offer. Then make a decision, remember that all the websites I have reviewed are all free to start, so there are no risks for you. That’s exactly how it should be and because I have your interest at heart, I would insist on it. Webstarts falls short by not being able to offer SSL or a mobile friendly optimization for their free website. But they do offer 1GB of storage space and 10 free products for your website store. Now that’s all fine but is that what you are really looking for?
Wealthy Affiliate. Com – A lineage of success!
I do believe that building a website will require a little more than just a website. By this I mean it needs a personal touch! Wealthy Affiliate offers like all the others a website that is SSL, mobile friendly and fresh. One of the biggest difference and this is the one that clinched it for me is the training and the access to knowledge they offer. I was always told knowledge is power and I do believe this to be true. Create a online business with confidence!
WordPress. Com – Open source.
WordPress websites are very easy to build and I would like to add that a lot of website builders regard wordpress websites as insecure. I have found this really depends on how you manage your website. WordPress websites use plugins to give it functionality, these will require updating from time to time. This also goes for the version of WordPress you use, this will cause a security issue if not maintained. You can obtain a paid plan for $5. Please remember you get what you pay for!
Mobirise. Com.
Upon reading what Mobirise had to offer, I found it quite fiddly! It’s different for its competition in a number of ways. Some are good and some are not so good! But that’s my view! Normally when you build a website, it requires a hosting package, Mobirise has changed the approach slightly by allowing you to download and install their web building program, install it on your computer and off you go!
This is where it starts getting a little fiddly, you still need to acquire a hosting package and this then requires you to upload your website to it.
If you’re a total novice to website building, this could cause you some stress! I’m talking from experience here, there’s nothing worse than spending hour, upon hour building a slick website and then lose it because you haven’t quite got the know how to uploaded it correctly.
Adobe spark. Com.
Depending on what you want to sell, will ultimately make up your mind on which website builder you choose. Some building programs don’t offer a store or a blogging facility. Adobe spark is one of those builders. It also only allows you to only create one page and it’s riddled with adverts, which can be removed at a cost! The cost is a monthly charge of $10 – it’s a cost that is forced and not chosen by you, the customer.
Ooowebhost. Com.
I have come to a conclusion about a majority of these website builders. And that is you do really only get what you see. If you want more then it’s a matter of you get what you pay for. Create your online business, your way. Look at what you are offered and insist on more. Ooowebhost. Com is a free website builder with limited functions. This means you can get 1GB of web storage space and 10GB of bandwidth, but you can only build 2 websites on this plan. Don’t get me wrong, this might be enough to start with, but there’s not much room for growth.
Wealthy Affiliate online training.
I’ve read quite a lot about what the best website builders have to offer and to be honest they were all quite similar in their approach. They all offered storage space, which was around 1GB and bandwidth which added up to 10GB. But in all of my searches and studying of what they had to offer, I didn’t find anyone who would offer me any training! Now, Picture this, can you drive? If your answer is yes! Then I would bet you that you had to have lessons!
I hope that made sense to you? What I’m trying to say is there’s no way you would ever pass your driving or any other exam without TRAINING! Wealthy Affiliate is the only website builder who has said, in so many words. We will guide to success! They offer a variety of training programs, which is backed up by a 24/7 support package.
They offer:
1. Online entrepreneur certification program – Getting started – Building your own traffic producing website – Making money – Mastering social engagement – Achieving maximum success through content creation.
2. Affiliate boot camp – Getting your business rolling – Content keywords and conversions – Giving your site social value – Get a brand – Knowing your audience – Bing, Yahoo and the power of P.P.C – How to scale successful P.P.C campaigns.
3. Video tutorials – Learn by watching and taking action.
The only way to success is through training and then we need to take action on what we have learnt. The Wealthy Affiliate platform is filled with a wealth of experience and knowledge. Which I believe is a vital ingredient to create a online business for success!
How to build your business dream.
Every successful business as a plan. These words have been burned into my brain and now it’s my turn to pass it on to you. Before you start thinking about building a website, you should have already planned what your business or website is going to do! These are valid questions and the answers will help to shape your destiny. The questions you should now have answers to are:
- What am I going to sell or promote? To find what you are going to promote you need to have a passion, that passion will guide you to what you will sell or market.
- What is my niche? Your niche is what you enjoy doing, it can be anything or many things but it will be quite unique to you. You will need to find it and expand on it.
- Who has the training and knowledge I need? There’s only one place you’re going to find the kind of training you’re going to need and this is comes from Wealthy Affiliate. Their depth of knowledge is unrivaled.
Create a online business with a difference!
- Will anyone help me? Trust in the Wealthy Affiliate community and training program, they have a lineage of success.
- What are my set up and ongoing costs? All the website builders I have reviewed will give you access to a free website
- What are my legal obligations? – The laws that will govern your online business is quite similar to a brick and mortar business. This will include GDPR legislations, care of a customer’s credit cards and account numbers. Be aware of all copyright and digital rights and finally online sales tax.
- Now at first glance this can seem quite daunting, but they’re quite easy to grasp. And If you get stuck, you can always ask members from the Wealthy Affiliate community or ask the C.E. O’s. Everyone is there for your success!

Create a online business conclusion.
By now, you’ll have noticed I’ve given you the facts as they stand. I like being clear and to the point, because no one wants to be duped by anyone promising the world. If you’ve decided that you want to create a online business and you’re looking for the best possibilities of success. Then I have given you all the information that you’re going to need to make the choices that matter.
If you have any questions about what you have read or you would like to leave a comment please leave them below. I will answer them as soon as possible.
Your online business guide.
Thanks for this article. I did like the list of the platforms you have provided to build a free website. After doing in-depth research I had chosen to go with Wealthy Affiliate a few years back.
I will strongly recommend everyone looking to build a real online business to try out WealthyAffiliate. It still wonders me how come they have everything one needs to start, build, and grow an online business, not to forget, the step by step, task-based, earn while you learn training course.
HI Nick. Thanks for taking the time to comment. You have made a great choice. To your success!