How To Create A Website Business
This review is going to be focused on how to create a website business. A website is a unique part of any business and if used correctly can give your business much greater exposure. Compared with not having one and having to rely upon just word of mouth and paper advertising. To create a steady flow of customers.
There’re many ways to create and build a online business website. The best place to start, as always is from the beginning. So, this review will look at how to create a online business, utilising a website to market your product or skill. Straight from the start I would like to point out, that I’m not talking about any get rich schemes. This review is about a legitimate business website. Built to supply you with a residual income, this will happen over time and will require hard work and dedication!
How to create a website business.
Congratulations you’re about to venture into the online business world. This will prove to be like no other type of business you have known before. One of the biggest differences, is that your business will be set up online and you can’t physically touch it, you’ll be able to see it, but not touch it!
Now this might seem strange to you, because human nature has shown me that we find it hard to believe in anything that we cannot touch. That’s OK. I said its human nature and we are human, but let me assure you that building a online business is very real. After all we all use the internet every day, surfing for one thing or another. We cannot touch it but we rely upon it for everything!
I believe the real problem, comes from not having enough faith in your own abilities. I would like you to know that it’s within your ability to achieve anything you put your mind to. So, do you want to know how to create a website business? I really do hope your answer is yes and this is why you are here!
Apart from having a theme for your business, which is known as a niche. You’re going to need a website, try to imagine your website to be like a blank canvas. A digital blank canvas, that you can imprint all of your ideas on, there for all the world to see.
Type of business websites.
When it comes to choosing a template for your business, the world is your oyster. There’s literally thousands and thousands of designs, based on different themes. Here’s a few popular business templates, for instance there’s OceanWP, which is a modern website, easy to manage. Modifiable by one click and fully supports e-commerce too. This is just one of many types available to you. You can also obtain WordPress themes for FREE! So, only buy one if it’s necessary. Here’s a few more:
- Hestia Pro.
- Digital Pro.
- Struct.
- Montblanc.
- Business times.
- Venture.
These examples are all based on creating a WordPress business site. Most beginners find that using WordPress is very easy, because there’s always a widget to help with those little awkward tweaks.
The power of widgets.
To give you a better understanding of a widget, I thought it would be easier to dedicate a section of this review to them. I have found widgets to be a god send, when it comes to making little changes to a website. Widgets can be used for almost anything and I mean anything. The list is endless but here’s a few, of the many things you can add:
- Advertising.
- E commerce.
- Coding.
- S.E.O apps.
- Social media.
- Optimising..
- Security.
Widgets are a very helpful tool, but when it comes to making your website do what you want, they’re great. Unfortunately, like most programs they do require updating from time to time. Don’t get me wrong it’s not the end of the world. But there’s a possible security risk, due to bad coding when updating widgets.
Choosing your business website.
The best way forward, is to have in mind exactly what type of business you would like to start, and then search for a website template. That suits your needs. There’s a very long list of website themes available to you online and modifying them to your requirements is also easy. Most templates have a basic drag and drop facility, which makes the whole process of changing them to suit your business needs easy.
Now that takes care of getting your columns, where you want them and moving boxes around to suit your business theme and content. But don’t forget you can also adjust or change your colours too.
My business website.
Now that we have chosen a website template, that works with your business theme. It’s time to take care of the basics, by this I mean the basics! Look at it this way, if your business was made of brick and mortar, you’d still need to give it a name and tell your customers how to contact you. Your online business website is no different, you’re going to need pages that supplies certain information. Your website should have a:
- Home page.
- Privacy policy.
- About you.
- Contact.
- Contents.
- Social media.
You will find this information on almost every website you visit and it’s the basics. Even though this seems simple and it is, it’s the best way for all your potential visitors to navigate through your website. Hopefully finding what they are in need of and make a purchase.
Homepage – your landing page.
Your home page is a special page, it’s a place where visitors to your website will arrive. Once they have arrived, they might choose to browse other pages on your site, but this is your first point of contact and you should make your homepage stand out. Add a pop up box for your visitors to subscribe to or you could offer your potential customers a big discount. These are also very good ways to capture emails, which will enable you to start an email list.
Privacy policy – your binding agreement.
This is a must for all online businesses! Nobody likes spam, but what is spam you ask? Spam is the name given to uninvited emails, that tends to appear on a daily basis. So, because of this annoying culture, you should display a Privacy policy. This should assure all your potential customers that you will not sell their information to any company for monetary gains! Your Privacy policy should also tell the customer what you intend to do if their privacy is infringed!
About you – show you are you human.
The next important thing to consider in learning how to create a website business, is that your customers cannot see you. More importantly, they do not know you. So, why should they interact with you or your website? Now I’m very sure you have been in this position, I know I have.
The questions that bounced around my head were, Who am I dealing with? and can I trust them! Will I receive what I have paid for? We’ve all been here and having a detailed about you page, will help to ease their minds.
Contact page – It’s good to talk.
Please remember your customers don’t know you but you have a product or service that they want! Your contact page is another great tool for helping you customers feel safe and cared for. I’m not saying you need to be on call 247/365 – no! That’s what your website is for, you just need to be available to answer any queries that cannot be resolved by email. This will probably mean a phone number should be made available, with a specified time for contact.
Contents – your blogs or products.
Finally, you should have a clear plan of how you’re going to advertise/market your products or affiliates. This is one part of your online business website, that you need to get right. Especially if you’re intending to make a profit! I don’t want you to be under any illusions, you will make mistakes. But this is purely because we’re human and that’s what we do! But if you follow the advice given, your chances of making big mistakes will be very low, if at all!
So, it’s time to write some content, my advice is to make it fun, easy to read and informative. The key to making a sale or to get a customer to return to your website, is to deal with their needs. Do not prioritise money, focus on delivering a service. Do your best to reflect this in every thing you write.
Social media – utilising your family and friends.
Family and friends are one of your biggest allies, when it comes to creating an online business. Their interaction with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can help to spread your product or services. With this in mind, you should be thinking of adding some social media buttons to your website. You’ll need to add a little information about your business and services, with links to your content. This will take a little maintenance from time to time but it’s well worth the time.
S.E. O – search engine optimisation.
At any one time, a website search can bring up over 200,000+ websites per keyword. I bet you didn’t know that! The other thing I’m betting is that you’re not quite sure how you’re going to overcome the competition! Well that’s OK, I’ve got you covered. You’ve taken the time to learn how to create a website business, you’ve built it step by step, but it’s useless if no one can find it!
This is where a lot of your time will be spent, learning and implementing S.E.O strategies. There are many things that can be done on this front. The first thing is to optimise everything you write, then make sure you’re using a great keyword, preferably one that you have researched.
Online marketing – how to improve your exposure.
Before I start explaining the best way to shine a spotlight on your business, I would like to point out that no matter where you launch your business or what you are selling. Your business cannot survive without a great marketing strategy! As, you can see creating a business website is really just the start of the journey.
I did touch on this subject earlier, when I mentioned using social media and your family. But you could also leverage:
- Pay per click.
- Google my business.
Both methods are excellent ways to attract traffic to your website and traffic is the life blood of every online business. The big difference is that utilising Google my business, doesn’t cost a penny to use. Pay per click is as it sounds, you pay every time someone clicks on your advert.
Pay – per click advertising.
Having a great marketing strategy is important to grow your business. You’ve built a slick, easy to navigate website, but nobody knows about your existence or how to find you! Launching a pay per click advertising campaign is one solution, it will cost a pound or two, but is worth it, if you know what you’re doing.
Your first thought should be on your budget, know exactly how much you are willing to pay, to get your advert at the top of the list. This is the tricky part of pay per click advertising! I’ve found setting up a budget of how much I would like to pay, for each click and for how long, a tricky affair. By this statement I mean, you can pay more than you need to or you might not pay enough, for long enough! Get my drift – tricky!
Here’s a few questions that should help with your planning:
- What is profit margin going to be, per sale?
- How much will it cost you to make a profit?
- How much do you need to spend?
Use the answers to the questions above to help you set a budget, that will help you gain a profit!
Google my business website.
Now I’ve placed this heading under marketing your business and it is marketing. The difference is that it’s like building another website, but with less content than your original business website. The big advantage to doing this is, is that building a Google my business website will give your business more authority with Google. In other words, your business is a legitimate business that customers can trust.
This in due course will help to drive more traffic to your website, which is what a successful marketing campaign is all about.
Let’s not forget to monetise!
This should be one of the last things to add to your business website. That’s if you want to add it at all! There are two main ways to do this, the first method is by using Google adsense. To be honest, you’ll only gain pennies, unless your website is pulling in a lot of traffic per hour/day/week! But if you’re achieving tons of website traffic, it’s money for nothing!
The next option is to join some affiliate programs. This option is a lot more lucrative and this would be the option I would suggest you follow. Once you have been accepted on to an affiliate programme, your next step is to add links to your website, that point back to the affiliate programme you have joined.
If your visitor makes a purchase, you’ll receive a commission from the sale or service. It’s that simple! I have known many affiliate marketers make thousands per month. So, it’s not something to turn your back on.
My conclusion on how to create a website business.
To build a online business, that’s successful you need to have a lot of things going for you. To need to have drive and determination to be successful. You also need patience! Now patience is something that we usually don’t have in abundance. But if you’re truly serious about how to create a website business, you’ll also know that it’s not going to be an overnight success story.
There’s no business that I know of that can deliver an overnight success! So, unfortunately the deciding factor is going to be time, time spent marketing and maintaining your online business. I hope all I have said as given you an insight, as well as answer all your questions about building a online business website.
If you have any questions or comments please leave them below. I wish you success in all your endeavours and I will reply to all comments as soon as possible.
Your online business guide.